Thursday, January 25, 2024

Life's Not Fair

So, you know how it goes with kids.  Arguments over who did the most cleaning up dishes, who got the most time on the XBox, who ate the last piece of bread pudding.  Whining, wailing cries of "It's not fair!" abound.  I bet you heard that in your head, right?  Tonight I had that very conversation with my kids.  I told them I didn't want to hear "It's not fair." because (and I have said this many times before) life is not fair.  I drove this point home by following it up with a little Jesus talk,  LOL

Walking the mile? Lately it feels more like a marathon, no no, a triathalon...

Today I confessed more than once to different people that my life isn't even controlled chaos... maybe in a year or two when Emi goes to pre-school.  LOL  For now, it's just plain chaos.  And days like today have me worn thin and feeling like a complete failure.  I thank God for giving me the man I call my love, my husband, the one I do life with... because he is always there for me on those days with words of encouragement and praise.  He lifts me up when I least expect it and when I feel the most unworthy of it.  He helps me to regain perspective and recenter myself around our truth, our life, our circumstances.  It's so easy to become discouraged in the face of others expectations, or even when our own don't line up with life