Monday, May 1, 2006


Mayday! Mayday! No, I'm sorry... I mean May Day, yeah, that's it, it's May Day. Uh, duh - don't you remember in elementary school.... the streamers hanging from the cafeteria ceiling and the silly little recitals, etc etc. "Aprils showers bring May flowers." and all that jazz.
OK, now you remember!!! I thought so!

Yeah, so, it's the first day of May - er was about 30 minutes ago... sorry, I blew it. Actually Makayla did... she's the reason I didn't get on until this late. I think I'd be cranky too if I were her - she's teething... still... again.

So, the first of May reminds me that I am yet about to be a year older, but even better my daughter is about to be 1 year old!!! We are having a big partay! I can hardly believe it's been a year - and what a year (let's not even go there). For those who actually know me - you know what I mean.

So, another day in the common life of this child of God - thank heaven for small favors - all I hear is the quiet sound of baby's breath - she's sleeping peacefully at last - as I prayed to the Lord that she would do all night, unlike the last 2 weeks. May Day comes to a sweet end. Shortly I will take a peek at my darling angel, blow kisses instead of the usual caress of the face and kiss on the cheek (I refuse to risk waking her) and leave her sweetly sleeping in her own crib - now that is satisfaction! A halo of angels will guard her through the night.

As for me it's off to spend some quiet time with the Lord. But I have to write my prayers to make myself concentrate and not fall asleep or get side tracked. God really does have sense of humor - and I think he winks at me every time I do that.

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